The Risk of National Beer Day

.Overview of Health information

             National Beer Day is a non official holiday in USA celebrated every year on April 7. Starting on 1933, everyone is allowed to buy, sell and drink beer. On March 22, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt was signed Cullen-Harrison Act to celebrate National Beer Day. So on April 7 the law got effect on the same year, could legally let people buy, sell and drink beer again.You can figure out, how big is the quantity of beer people drink on April, 6 the New Beer's Eve and the April 7 National Beer Day. I want to inform people to be careful about drinking too much Beer on April, 7.

Health Information: The Risk to Drink to much Alcohol.

When you drink, that means that your blood contains 0.6 ounces or 14.0 grams of alcohol. That is the standard in the USA. Here in recent health news, our subject is Beer. So if your blood contains 12-ounces of beer: 5 per cent of alcohol content, then you drink. There is no objection anymore about it. Because of National Beer Day, many women and men would get an excessive drinking. So, let's focus only on binge drinking.

The immediate effects of excessive alcohol increase dangerously the risk of many harmful health conditions. The result of binge drinking here in recent health news are:

-Violence, including homicide, suicide, sexual assault and intimate partner violence.
-Alcohol poisoning. This case results a high blood alcohol level.
-Risky sexual behaviors, unprotected relation with a partner or multiple partners. The result are unintended pregnancy or HIV.
-Miscarriage and stillbirth or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASDs among pregnant women.

Health Information: If You are in one or many of these conditions

If you are pregnant, or try to become pregnant, why you drink a huge quantity of beer on  April, 7. The consequence for you and the fetus will be disastrous;
If you take prescription or over-the-counter medications that may cause harmful reactions when mixed with the beer you drink on that occasion;
If you are under twenty-one;
If you are just under recovering from alcoholism or you cannot control the amount you drink;
If you are suffering from medical condition that may be worsened by the beer you take during that unofficial holiday;
If you drive or you plan to drive or you are in activities require skill, coordination and alertness, 
then forget to drink beer on the National Beer Day.

Conclusion of Health Article

                The risk of National Beer Day is many. But, if you know the consequence of you act, why you have to do it? There is non sense. At your place, I prefer to help my friends and to take care of them if they are falling down at the bottom of the bottle. In front of alcohol, nobody can stand up. I don't talk about long term health risk here in recent health news because the unofficial holiday is only one day.


- Wikipedia.

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