My Healthy Breakfast Recent News

Overview in Recent Health News

               Recent health news chooses to treat the beginning of this blog of HEALTH ARTICLE 'My healthy breakfast recent news'. The main reason of this health information is, every morning, anyone needs to take breakfast. To start a day, our body needs a fuel to work out very well. Many people avoid healthy breakfast because they think it makes them fat or they don't have time to do it. Then the breakfast they take is not really healthy. Each country has his own breakfast. The popular breakfast are French, English and American. If you travel everywhere, you can always find a specific breakfast in the country you visit. But here in Healthy breakfast recent news, I give you today My Breakfast style a kind of health information.
My Receipt in Health Article News

-prepare your own muesli.
  * 1/3 or 1/2  cup is maximum to take every morning,
  * Limit dried fruits in your muesli,
  * It must be low sugar or glycemic,
  * Don't roast whole grain you use,
  *Be careful with saturated you add in your muesli.

  The benefits to make your own muesli are less sugar and calories, it is a huge source of antioxidants, it is a great source of omega-three acids and protein you need every day, you can control your weight because whole grains containing high fiber regulate the digestive system, a source of dairy and protein is getting from milk or yogurt you mix with you muesli.

I give here one of a recipe in my healthy breakfast recent news I tested before and very nice.

1    cup oats
1/2 cup of raw chopped almonds by your hands
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup shredded coconut flesh
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds or pepitas
1/3 cup chia seeds
1/3 cup almonds, roughly chopped
1/3 cup wheatgerm
4    table spoons linseeds
2    teaspoon cinnamon

- Egg or cold meats 50g
One egg is enough and  you change every day the cooking process. But you can take cold meats also without egg. It is recommended to take one only each morning, never mix them. If you don't like it just ignore it...
- Brown bread. Two sliced of it are enough. The best are French or German style. You can try the Russian style also. That kind of bread has many mix whole grain flour which are rich in fiber.
- Seasonal fresh fruits. Two different kind are enough. But if you can get more, it is still ok. If you cannot find any seasonal fruits, orange juice one full glass is an alternative also. In French breakfast style, orange juice taking every morning is very popular.
- Tea or Coffee or Chocolate.
- One tablespoon of bio honey or one teaspoon of local jam.
- Butter the local one is the best. You need only 25g. If not, you can find it in your supermarket.
- Vary of Cheeses you can find. The local one is the best. You need only 40g. If you don't get any local cheeses, then you can get it in special shop.
- You can make home made yogurt to change the cheeses.
- Less fat of fresh milk. One cup is totally enough.

In conclusion in Latest Health News Today

               Never avoid a breakfast, you will get health problem. It is very important for your health to take it. The main reason is your body starting a new day and needs energy all day long. The only right way to support your body every morning is to take a healthy breakfast. As you see here in my healthy breakfast news, there is no place of sugar. Also, after breakfast, I don't need to take a huge lunch nor dinner anymore. How about you? That is the recent health news.

- mind body green/is-muesli-really-a-healthy-breakfast-option.html

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