In 80's, the words Aids threatened everybody because that disease fatally killed anyone who caught it. For misunderstanding, many people did not figure out how really this disease 'worked'... One decade later, then scientists tried to explain how really that disease contaminate people... Everybody know that, aids did not stop to spread slowly to each country and decimate families... Human immunodeficiency infection contamination and AIDS (HIV/AIDS) is a range of conditions created by disease with human immunodeficiency infection (HIV). Taking after beginning disease, a man may not see any side effects or many encounter a brief time of flu like sickness. Normally, this is trailed by a delayed period without any side effects. As the disease advances, it meddles more with the resistant framework, expanding the danger of regular contamination like tuberculosis and additionally other pioneering contamination and tumors that once in a while influence individuals who have working safe frameworks. These late side effects of contamination are alluded to as AIDS. This stage is regularly additionally connected with weight reduction... How easily to catch aids is a tips to protect against HIV. However, tips here are only for men who like women. But sorry, if you are gay I cannot help you, also this medical article is not for you if you do take hallucinogenic products or intoxicant. Just run away...
If you are a man who likes to 'get out' of your home or to patronize in trendy place, then you must take some precaution when suddenly, 'she' is ready to be 'serious' on bed. And you don't find any quick 'protection' around you...
Men meet Women
Woman is in menstruation
Menstruation is feminine cycle, otherwise called a period or month to month, is the general release of blood and mucosal tissue from the internal coating of the uterus through the vagina. Up to 80% of ladies report having a few manifestations before feminine cycle. Basic signs and side effects incorporate skin inflammation, delicate bosoms, bloating, feeling tired, touchiness, and temperament changes. These many meddle with typical life, hence qualifying as premenstrual disorder, in 20 to 30% of ladies. In 3 to 8%, side effects are serious... The second most frequent mode of HIV transmission is via Blood and blood products... That means period or month to month which releases a blood, is very dangerous to her new male partner if she is infected by Aids... Avoid to 'touch' her during that time. That kind of blood is full HIV virus if she is infected. If you are Christian, I don't need to remain you about it. In Leviticus 15:19, woman who is in menstruation is 'unclean'. So it is much better not to do 'it'...
You are Fun of 'back act'
You are big enough to understand what I am talking about... But I give here some reasons why men like 'back act'....
Maybe the tighter of anal sphincter motivates men to like 'back act', the pressure applied to the penis is more strong than pelvic muscle of the vagina.
A men behavior is to dominate his female partner. That is a natural during sexual act...
Perhaps, 'back act' is forbidden by many religions so you like to taste the forbidden 'fruit' or it is made additionally appealing by a female accomplice or society when all are said in some demanding that is taboo.
An option for penetration to avoid monotony and ...
But you never forget that unprotected open but-centric sex with a HIV positive accomplice is the sex demonstration well on the way to bring about Aids transmission.
Then I say that don't do 'it'. Don't take her in back... There is very full of virus...
Women Meet Men
This time let's talk about these women who decide to 'act'. Let me remain you that we don't talk about erotic act...We are here in science blog... Sorry if you are not happy about this article but I have to talk about it here...
Your 'good' habit can betray you: flossing or brushing your teeth
Abstain from flossing or brushing your teeth for no less than 30 minutes prior, and directly in the wake of sucking so that there are no open cuts in the mouth. In the event that you smoke, you may wish to hold up 2 hours - not everybody's mouth mends at the same rate and a few variables can influence how rapidly your mouth recuperates after a cut. Researchers have found that a smoker's mouth takes more time to mend... Ok let's talk... when you floss or brush your teeth, there is always a small quantity of blood coming out in your mouth. As you saw above, a blood is very dangerous in contact with that virus, blood can contaminate easily... So avoid to floss or brush your teeth at least 30 minutes before and after that act. If your male partner is contaminated with HIV, and you stimulate your penis's partner... Even this is the first 'date'.
Sperm are Full of Virus
Sperm is the male conceptive cell and it creates in the gonads and is discharged from the penis. The spermatozoa of creatures are delivered through spermatogenesis inside the male gonads or 'balls' by means of meiotic division. In spite of the fact that semen contains a huge number of sperm, the egg will concede one and only one. Alternate ones will soon bite the dust and be retained. Amid preparation, the sperm gives three vital parts to the oocyte:
- a flagging or enacting variable, which causes the metabolically torpid oocyte to actuate;
- the haploid fatherly genome;
- the centrosome, which is in charge of keeping up the microtubule framework.
The mammalian sperm cell comprises of a head, a midpiece and a tail. The head contains the core with thickly looped chromatin filaments, encompassed anteriorly by an acrosome, which contains proteins utilized for entering the female egg. The midpiece has a focal filamentous center with numerous mitochondria spiraled around it, utilized for ATP generation for the adventure through the female cervix, uterus and uterine tubes. The tail or 'flagellum' executes the lashing developments that drive the spermatocyte.
So avoid to receive sperm to your body: your mouth, your face, your hand, your foot, your breast... Because, if your 'new' partner is infected by Aids, sperm you get is full of HIV and it will infect you for sure.
Even the head of 'his' penis is dangerous because, infected sperm is getting out from the hole in that head.
Everybody know that science did a huge progress to find vaccines, and medications. But personally, it is much better to avoid if you can do it. Sperm, menstration (blood), anal penetration are the part in our body which are of full HIV when a person gets infected.
Using a protection is still a fashion and it is never old one. Condom protects you against Aids.
Or just having a self control is another option to avoid bad surprise.
These 2 solutions can protect you. Now, if you get infected, HIV will stick in your body forever, and you need to swallow all of these 'new' medicines to stop the progression of that disease in your body. Or you can be also a 'cobaye' a subject who serves to the medical experience. That you like? I don't think you deserve that. You deserve much better than that...
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