Are You Over 40 ?... Keep Your Heart Healthy


                Over 40s, heart problems affect millions of people. But, reducing the risk of that heart problem, you just need to change your own lifestyle and to get involved to improve efficiency your own health. It is clear that the state of your circulation determines the number of years you live and the joy of life. Not all heart disease is preventable but much is, so if you wanna increase your odds of enjoying 40s and over, just look at the tips I give you today here in recent health news.
Healthy Weight is the First Solution

To maintain a health weight, the only secret is Diet. Your diet has an influence to your organs: Heart. During many years of researches, anyone who does not maintain his healthy weight exposes himself to a risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and a cholesterol profile. We talk here about healthy food you eat, forget about ' tasty' food. That is just a fantasy.
One of diet I can give you is any kind of low-fat diet with low- carb approach: steamed seasonal vegetables, sea-food and meat with fresh seasonal fruits... within 6 weeks, you would lost several kilos and your cholesterol go down to nearly 20 per cent... This approach can be particularly beneficial for anyone who has high blood sugar at risk of developing diabetes.  
That means changing your eating behavior to many soups, Mediterranean type foods without pasta and with salads with meat.
Limit your bread habit, your favorite sugary drinks, your confectionery and biscuits and your carbohydrate intake to 150g per day.
Then, if your blood pressure (BP) is raised, cut back your salt intake will help to lower it. However, if your BP is normal, then you don't need to avoid salt...

Your Pulse is Good Signal

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Know Your Blood Pressure and Lipid Profile

The only wait to know your own blood pressure is to measure it. You can do it to your doctor or you can buy an approved machine to your pharmacist. Take a series of reading at rest over week. An average across the week of below 140 / 85 is generally considered as healthy. But if yours is above this, visit your doctor to take action.

High cholesterol level are silent killing too. This case can quickly age arteries. You must understand a full blood fat profile and then you must have a clear idea to the diet to follow and lifestyle. Let's take example. If you have bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood and not much good cholesterol (HDL) and raised triglycerides, it is probably sure that you have inherited a tendency towards an unhealthy metabolism, you have a poor diet, have a sweet tooth, you drink more than you need daily and you do too little exercise. Above 7.5, cholesterol levels is always of huge significance. Don't forget most of people have high than ideal cholesterol levels and on its own it is just one risk factor.

Work Out Your Risk

is the best guides now to decode risk of having stroke or heart attack in a decade. And it is constantly being tweaked to improve accuracy. Go online and calculate yours. And you see how changes if you get 10 per cent and 20 per cent is high risk.

- Ask to your doctor to reduce your risk. Diets and lifestyle interventions work efficiently. Think about self-help when you are told you are at moderate or high risk. The treatment of cholesterol-lowering medicines is a supplement, it is not a substitute to healthy living.

You Need Exercise

You can do moderate intensity training at the gym or at home, or you can run every week but don't push too hard.
There is a link between heart attack and health of your heart and exercise. The risk to hurt your heart is high if you do little before and then you drops as you become more active before starting to rise again among cyclist, marathons runners and triathletes.
The higher you pulse rate and longer you sustain, the greater these forces are. Let's say, it is a result from shearing and stretching forces.
To avoid an early heart attack for people over 45, the risk needs to be put in context and balanced against the many others benefits of training. For heart health, two and half hours of aerobic exercise every week at an intensity are sweet spot. High-intensity exercise is not for people above 45 who want to start to go deep in exercise. But if you are already in shape, it is fine. I mean you start your exercise when you were young like I did.


         What is clear is that the days of self-medicating with low-dose of aspirin is over. I would not take the medicines unless specifically advised to do so by my doctor and, even then, I would want to know why they thought I was the sort of person likely to benefit.
Central chest pain is classic symptom of a heart attack often described as a 'heaviness' or 'crushing' which lasts 10 minutes or more, and may spread to the neck, jaw or arms.
Accompanying symptoms often include difficulty breathing, feeling sick or faint, a cold sweat and looking pale or grey. In doubt, if you have aspirin to hand and are not allergic to that, chew one 300 mg tablet before swallowing.
Never ignore any chest pain that comes on with exertion such as walking, it may be angina and herald more serious problems ahead. Keep in touch with your doctor...


The Times: Body and Soul

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