12 Things Protect Your Prostate

Article About Health: Introduction in Recent Health News

             12 things protect your prostate are the subject of our blog today here in recent health news. 12 things protect your prostate are wellness article you need to reach hundred years. 12 things are foods easy to find in your market all season long to protect your prostate. 12 things protect your prostate are a list of seasonal foods cheap and healthy and some advises.
Medical Article: List of 12 things to Protect Your prostate in recent health news

-Vegetables oil and fishes which are rich of omega-3 reduce the risk of prostate;

-Prostatic hypertrophy are reduced by Vitamin E and it can protect gland against cancer. Where can we find foods with Vitamin E? Wheat germ, whole grain, nuts and seeds, margarine and vegetable oil;

-Tomato contains lycopene. Lycopene is released by tomato when it is cooked. Lycopene is chemically a carotene, this tomato species is a bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment and phytochemical. You can find lycopene also in carrots, watermelons, papayas. However, strawberries and cherries are without it. As liposoluble, it is better to mix it with a small quantity of fat;

- Avoid spices foods, coffee, alcohol and other substance that irritate urinary tract;

-Vegetables family of cruciferous such broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage...contains isothiocyanates which is very beneficial for health, they have also a strong antioxidants;

-Whole grain contains vitamin E, fibers, selenium and phytochimiques elements that are beneficial for health;

-Eat less red meat. That will make you loss weigh and make your prostate safe. Animal fat is saturated fat which is the enemy of your prostate;

-Soy things balance prostate hypertrophy and may direct the advancement of a tumor. This effect is a result of the soy isoflavones, plant material which cuts down the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), male hormone that advances great improvement of prostate tissue.

-Selenium is another mineral that has a preventive part. This cell fortification found in nuts, especially Brazil nuts, fish, certain meats, fish, wheat grain, wheat germ, oats and cocoa rice or chestnut rice.

-You must drink water to clean your bladder, but limit the consumption of coffee and beer. You can drink normal water or non alcohol beverages. 

-Exercises is your allies. But do it with pleasure and with friends or family. You have a huge choice: jogging, bike, swimming, walking, stretching,...

-The last advice concerns men over forty-five. Every week, you have to find out a way to get your sperm out. You have a large choice to do it. I mean you must be active. If your sperm stagnate inside of you, it gives a bad signal to your prostate and many bad cells are starting to raise up. Prostate liquid did not get out from your body. The only way to avoid it, is to spread out your sperm every week. You are adult enough to understand what I mean. I think I don't need to explain to you what are the solutions you can do.

Conclusion of Article About Health

               If you are not yet get problem with your prostate, it is time to follow medical article above. But if you have a trouble, so go to see your doctor and follow your treatment. I know, it costs money but it is beneficial for your health. Recent health news is a blog that is dedicated to give you health article .

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