Introduction Health Current Event
In (health current) event, people use car every day. People also need car to do shopping, to go working or to go holidays. But what we can learn with braking? When you use your brake to stop your car, you will always send poison in atmosphere. Fines particles are spread in air. These poison are coming from cars we use every day. These poisons stay suspended in air are coming from abrasion of brake pads, tires and road coating.
Countries make big effort now to reduce the emission of fines particles associated with combustion engine. These emissions of particles caused by the friction of the pads on the brake discs. All electric vehicles, hybrids or other affected by this problem. More the car weight heavier, more it emits fine particles by braking.
People cannot do without it. Theses particles are necessary to get a quality braking. Car-makers think first about passengers security when they make car. A concept of braking must be huge because this is a big part of security.
These particles attack human organs:
Cadmium: people get pneumonia and alternation of renal function;
Baryum: hypertension and bone fixation;
Manganese: nervous disorder, cardiovascular disease;
Chrome: cancer and saturnism;
Nickel: cancer;
Iron: pneumoconiosis.
These particles are more fines than virus, so they can interfere everywhere....
Solutions in Health Current Event
The best solution is the installation of vacuum cleaner. This vacuum cleaner can directly recover all toxic products which come out from the braking system and avoid it to spread outdoors. This system of vacuum cleaner cracks down a huge quantity of fine particles over ninety-eight per cent. And it is cheap. Unfortunately, people have to wait until 2016 to get this new technology in their car.
Car-maker have to think to change in future the composite of discs brake. I mean constructors must change asbestos in discs brake to save environment. They must think of car users' health.
So what we learn with braking?
Using brake is dangerous for our health because of asbestos in discs brake, road coating and tires. When you brake, all of these things create fines particles outdoors.
The most easy solution is to be emphasis with eco-driving.
The vacuum cleaner is not yet for now, because people must wait for after 2016.
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